Friday, August 28, 2009

Meet Alexa and Christi (3)

After talking with Christopher, who was a Baptist, I saw two young ladies sitting on the green.

I decided to go talk to them. They were Alexa and Christi. They had met each other in a campus bible study group called FOCUS. They were both catholics, and they were both super sweet ladies.

We started to talk about spiritual things. I was prepared for this to be a long talk because we were spending a lot of time on questions such as "Do people who have never heard of Jesus go to hell?" and we were talking about each other's lives and how we came to grow or shrink in the faith.

They had both admitted to stagnating or declining in their discipline with God. Alexa said she had not read her bible or gone to church in a while. I assume it was the same with Christi.

But before we really got to talk about the Gospel I asked, "How much time do you girls have to talk?"

Now, the reason I asked was because I wanted gauge how much time we could spend on these other things and how much time I would have to share the Gospel, but when they checked the time they had missed some calls and had to leave.

These girls were very sweet and we both hoped we could talk again another time.

The moral of the story goes never ask someone how much time they have. Just get the Gospel out there.

This may be a good place to talk about, "Why it is so important to get the Gospel out?"

You have to begin with what the Gospel is. The Gospel is the Good News of Jesus Christ. What is the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is that God Himself took on human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. He came to Earth and lived a perfect sinless life. He then proceeded to be beaten, spit upon, mocked, betrayed, flogged (whipped with a roman device that held broken bones and pottery tied to many pieces of leather), nailed to a cross, and have God the Father pour out His wrath and Crush Him. Jesus took this punishment not out of any wrong He had done, but for all the wrong we have done. He then proved His divinity by coming back to life after the 3rd day in His tomb.

This is so important because it is only through turning from one's sinful ways and trusting in this act of Jesus that one can be seen as righteous and innocent before God in Heaven even though we do not deserve it. (John 14:6, Acts 4:12).

The fine for our rebellion has been paid for and it is only through that payment can a God of justice also be a God of mercy.
Everything we do should be aimed at the cross. It's About the Cross.

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